Building followers of Jesus Christ who meet human needs.
- The mission of OPPC is to take Jesus Christ into the lives of others by:
- Befriending and listening to the lost & needy for the sake of Christ
- Telling and living the good news of the saved life in Jesus
- Being equipped, empowered, and released as spiritually gifted believers
- Harnessing our culture to promote an undiluted Gospel message
- Bearing witness by our personal walk with Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives
- The covenant community of OPPC exists to:
- GLORIFY: Exalt our God through authentic worship
- GIVE: Share the message and love of Jesus through intentional evangelism
- GATHER: Create fellowship and belonging through membership
- GROW: Build followers of Jesus Christ through discipleship
- GO: Equip believers to use their spiritual gifts for their unique call to ministry
- The OPPC family of faith strives to become:
- One People Proclaiming Christ as Lord & Savior
- A community that demonstrates the love of Jesus
- Jesus’ apprentices who are Kingdom focused
- Empty of self and filled with Christ
- A people who yield to the Holy Spirit
- A broken vessel, salt of the earth, light in darkness & a city on a hill